Mararía Films is a recently created production company from the Canary Islands, Spain, focused on the development of independent film projects with an international perspective. Its trajectory is linked to the company Frida Films, which has a long history in the production of feature films.


Frida Films is a Spanish production company founded in 2008 and based in Galicia, Spain. The company specializes in arthouse films, producing feature-length films and documentaries. Their aim is to produce quality auteur movies with commercial potential and worldwide relevance.

Their filmography have been present in prestigious film festivals all over the world, with titles such as SLOW (2023, Marija Kavtaradze), OUT OF SYNC (2021, Juanjo Giménez), TROT (2018, Xacio Baño) or MARÍA AND EVERYBODY ELSE (2016, Nely Reguera), among others.

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